7 Things You Were Taught In School Which Were Actually Lies - EntertainmentNews1.com


August 4, 2017

7 Things You Were Taught In School Which Were Actually Lies

Our school life was a lie?

#7 Evolution From Apes

#7 Evolution From Apes
Well this is one theory which proves that our ancestors were apes and we emerged from them. The point here is that how much of this theory is true? We did not evolve from apes though we are evolved from some species close enough if you think about it.

#6 Discovery Of Gravity

#6 Discovery Of Gravity
Well, we have all heard the famous story of newton and how he discovered gravity. All of us were taught that in school. Then point here is, was it true that an apple fell from the tree which made him think about the gravity?!! Surely not folks. That’s just an exaggerated version of the discovery. It was his 2 years of work which led to the universal gravity discovery.

#5 Einstein Didn’t Know Maths

#5 Einstein Didn’t Know Maths
Sorry to break your bubble but even this fact is false. In fact, he was one of the brighter students who started studying college level physics at the age of 11.

#4 Pyramid Builders

#4 Pyramid Builders
The history tells us that the builders of pyramids were slaves,who were treated harshly. But the fact says they were well paid and well fed workers, during those days. I mean how is it even possible for someone to build something like this without proper energy?

#3 The Great Wall Of China

#3 The Great Wall Of China
The great wall of China can be seen from space by naked eyes was told by everyone. Well it cannot be seen but yes astronauts tried to capture few pictures from space. They did!

#2 Columbus Discovered America

#2 Columbus Discovered America
Another fact which isn't exactly true my lovelies! America was already discovered 400 years before Columbus was born.

#1 5 Sense Organs Is It?

#1 5 Sense Organs Is It?
We have read since childhood that there are 5 sense organs.But there is something more to it.There are 20 senses including sense of space, vibration, time, direction, and temperature. Now that is something you mustn't ever thought of!

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