After 8 days of live-in, couple marries at 70 yr of age and sets an example! -


August 28, 2017

After 8 days of live-in, couple marries at 70 yr of age and sets an example!

After 8 days of live-in, couple marries at 70 yr of age and sets an example!
‘Love knows no boundaries’. And this phrase has been proved by a couple who got married at an age of 70 years. The case is of Pahadi Korva Aadim Janjati where two elderly people tied knot with each other and left everybody surprised. This is the first marriage of Pahadi Korva Janjati who are on their verge of extinction.
75 year old Ratiya Ram and 70 year old Jeevani Badi had a live-in relationship for 8 days, and then they married off after the support of society. They both had been living alone since last 20 years.
Generally, the men of this community  who remain single throughout their life put bangles in the hand of any single woman from the same community and consider them their wives. They then live-in together without actually getting married.
This community lives in some  hilly regions of Chttisgarh and Jarkhand. They are in total of 37,000 people.
Their life is dependent on wildly grown fruits and vegetables, or by hunting animals.
The  couple has many relatives, but there is nobody who can take care of them at such elderly age. They are totally dependent on the money they get from Pension.
The groom told BBC that they both first met 15 days before in a cultural programme of their community. At the very moment, they decided to live together. He then took Jeevani to his village where they started living together. This incident came into the notice of village sarpanch Lalit Nagesh.
A meeting was called where the couple agreed to marry and then the villagers got them married on 16 august. The ceremony was also attended by the grand children of the bride and groom.
Jeevani said in her regional language, “When Raiya Ram is ready to accept me, why should I have any objections. Nobody asks me about my well-being. Atleast he will now take care of me. We both will live with the pension money.”
The community and the family of bride and groom are happy with this decision of getting them married.
Raiya Ram’s grand-son said, ” I too live with a widow after my died. We will get married after taking permission from society.”
The elderly couple has set an example in the society by breaking the stereotype.

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