WhatsApp Conversations That Will Make You Laugh Hard - EntertainmentNews1.com


September 1, 2017

WhatsApp Conversations That Will Make You Laugh Hard

Online conversations have replaced actual human contact these days. Apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram etc have taken on our lives. Whatsapp is indeed a great application to chat with our friends, famil, relatives, co-workers and keeping our messages encyrpted at the same time.
Over a billion people download Whatsapp on Google Play Store every day. Undoubtedly we are also quite satisfied with Whatsapp. It has made communication easier and we can also make voice calls or video calls. Moreover, we can share stories with our friends.

Here are the screenshots of some very interesting online conversations made on Whatsapp.

1. This girl misspelt condemn for condom. This is downright hilarious.

online conversations

2. This is going to be some die-hard romantic melodrama.

online conversations

3. The ultimate fate of Indian men before marriage.

online conversations

4. The award for most clever mom goes to…..Priya’s mom of course.

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