Ever since the Padmavati movie went onto the floor, the controversies surrounded it. The producer and director of the flick Sanjay Leela Bhansali, as well as the lead actress Deepika Padukone who plays the title role Rani Padmavati, were passed with some death threats by the Rajput groups.
However, the movie cast and crew recently took a breath of relief on receiving green signal for the movie release from the censor board. But the happiness lasted not so long for them as Rajput groups expressed their displeasure over the CBFC’s report over the flick.
CBFC has suggested some changes and cuts in the flick and also asked Bhansali to change the title of the flick from ‘Padmavati’ to ‘Padmavat’. The Rajput group, however, demanded a ban on the film and also passed threats that they would set a fire in the cinema halls that screen the flick.
The Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena (RRKS) said the censor board’s nod to the controversial film was “unfortunate”.
Talking about the same, the Gujarat president of RRKS, Raj Shekhawat, said that the RRKS members would take the law into their hands if the film was not banned across the country.
Rajput Sena Calls for a pan-India ban on Padamavati movie
He said “It is unfortunate that the censor board has decided to give the film a U/A certificate with only five changes. We will not accept this. We want a total ban on the film, which glorifies the barbarian invader, Alauddin Khilji. Just like Gujarat and some other states, we want the Centre to stop its release in the other parts of the country as well.”
In this controversial film, Shahid Kapoor and Deepika Padukone play the main roles, Rajput king, and queen. RRKS is a Rajasthan-based Rajput Karni Sena that showed objections over the flick from the very start.
He further said that a few changes here and there were not sufficient when the entire film was “distorted” and “not based on historical facts and “We want the government to impose a pan-India ban on the film. Otherwise, we will take the law into our hands and not hesitate to set ablaze cinema halls (screening the film).”
He added that “A panel of experts had also said that there were too many flaws (in the film). Mewar royal family’s Maharaja Arvind Singh, who was also on the panel, had said that facts were distorted in the film. Even then, the censor board has taken such a decision. We will not sit quiet if the film is released.”
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