The Hindi remake of popular Hollywood film ‘The Fault in our Stars’, directed by Josh Boone has finally got its lead. While Sushant Singh Rajput had already been finalised, director Mukesh Chhabra announced the leading lady for the film, Rockstar fame Sanjana Sanghi. And guess who is most excited about the film?
It’s none other than Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort themselves, the lead actors of the original Hollywood film, The Fault in our Stars. The movie is based on a novel of the same name, written by John Green.
John couldn’t control his excitement when the name of the leading lady for the Bollywood remake was announced and shared his happiness on Twitter. He tweeted, “I can’t believe this is happening. Amazing!”
After this, Shailene also tweeted about the same by quoting the famous dialogue from the original movie, “Okay? Okay.” She tweeted, “okay? @AnselElgort okay ;).”
And Ansel gave an instant reply by tweeting, “Wow!We are gonna watch this together okay?”
Well, the whole team of The Fault in our Stars is quite excited for the Hindi remake of their movie!
The movie is about a 16-yr old cancer patient, Hazel Grace (Shailene Woodley) who is forced to join a support group by her parents where she meets another cancer patient, Augustus Waters (Ansel Elgort) and falls in love with him.
While talking about Sanjana Sangh, casting director turned debut director Mukesh Chhabra said, “I met Sanjana while casting for Rockstar and found her to be a dynamic girl with a great energy. After a few years, she reconnected for a few ad jobs and this time she came across as a mature young lady and to my surprise, a fabulous actor. I knew instantly that I would love to make a film with her one day. Once The Fault in Our Stars script was ready, she fit right in. She’s the perfect face and I can’t wait to create magic with this talented girl.”
Music maestro, A.R. Rehman will compose the music for the Hindi remake of the movie. Seems interesting! We can’t wait to watch the movie!
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