The most controversial movie of the year, ‘Padmaavat’ starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in lead roles, finally managed to make it to the box office after facing a lot of criticisms and protests by the Rajput group, Karni Sena. And after releasing, the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial was praised by the audience and did a huge collection.
The epic period drama has managed to collect approximately Rs 530 crores worldwide and has become the biggest grosser movie of the year by crossing Rs 200 crores in India. Recently the movie completed its 50 days on 15 March and both the lead actors took to Twitter to share their happiness. But there seemed to be a difference between the manner in which the two posted on their Twitter accounts.
Ranveer Singh uploaded his poster from the movie in which other lead actors, Shahid and Deepika are not there. On the poster, he has written, “Celebrating 50 glorious days. 300 Cr. and counting at the Indian box office”. On the other hand, Shahid Kapoor uploaded a complete poster of the movie in which all the three leading actors of the movie can be seen. He also tagged the complete Padmaavat team in his tweet. He gave the caption, “Celebrating 50 days of the magic of #Padmaavat!”
The Twitteratis definitely took notice of the difference and called Ranveer Singh an ‘insecure attention seeker’ while Shahid a ‘down to earth person’. Take a look at the tweets:
Ranveer Singh’s character, Alaudin Khilji was highly praised by everyone while Shahid who played Maharawal Ratan Singh, was given less attention. He also missed the success party of Padmaavat. In an interview, Shahid had confessed that he felt like an outsider on the sets of Padmaavat.
“I’m used to being the favourite of all my filmmakers. This was the first time that I was like an outsider. When you work with a team that has worked together, you are kind of an outsider and it takes time for you to break through that barrier,” he said.
Well, we wonder what do Ranveer and Shahid have to say about this!
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