17 Tweets That Prove Grandparents Are Really The Best - EntertainmentNews1.com


September 7, 2017

17 Tweets That Prove Grandparents Are Really The Best

It goes without saying that our grandparents are blessings for us in disguise. They are literally our lifeline and we should always ensure to protect them what may come.
So, here we bring for you some of the cutest tweets ever posted by grandparents and that will make you think for a moment that they really are the BEST.

The grandma with her most favourite bracelet

Whoa!! This great-grandma found true love.

The strong grandpa who is in the peak of his physical condition

Isn’t that very polite nan?

And this grandpa who’s actually very pleased about his new dog

Nan’s passport photo.

This grandpa is still studying in the age of 82. Well, that’s really impressive!

Adorable grandparents, right?

And these duos- look so extremely contented 40 years on.

A grandma who is the star performer of the show.

Grandparents who really never miss a chance to show their conditional love to each other

A grandpa who has received a very pertinent present on his birthday

This wonderful grandma who lend a hand to her grandson

Very supportive nan

Hilarious! These grandparents tried to look terrifying but that too together

Lovely nan, who knows how to introduce herself in the stylist way

Well, he is an incredible granddad.

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