5 Stages Of A Fight With Your Girlfriend - EntertainmentNews1.com


September 7, 2017

5 Stages Of A Fight With Your Girlfriend

Like love, fight is also very common in a relationship. There are no couples who don't fight. But the fight between two partners is not how everyone else fights. This fight has some very unique stages. In this post we are sharing these stages with help of cartoon meme. Have a look on these funny and entertaining stages of fight in a relationship. We hope you will enjoy this.

It Usually Start With Silly Things Or Questions.

Then It Get Serious.

Afterward Strategic Negotiations Come Into Play To Settle Things.

Preventative Measures And Promise Not To Engage In This Kind Of Silly Fight In Future.

After some time this whole process get repeated again.

Apologies From Both Side. (Most Of The Time Man Apologized First)

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