What Does The Way You Sit Reveal About Your Personality? - EntertainmentNews1.com


April 19, 2018

What Does The Way You Sit Reveal About Your Personality?

There are a number of things we do unconsciously which reveal a lot about our state of mind, our confidence levels and the way we are. Our body language reveals more than we may ourselves say and the way you sit does reveal a lot about who you are as a person. Before you read further, figure out which one of these positions do you normally sit in.

Up to 80% of the information we receive from a person in conversation is transmitted non-verbally. A lot of the time though, we don’t understand precisely what feelings they’re trying to express through their body.
Which is your normal sitting position?
#1 Position A
People who sit in this positions are usually the ones who go with the flow. They are not the ones to be concerned with a lot of planning and they do not worry a lot about the future. They are quirky, spontaneous, and are funny by nature. They live their lives their own way and are not concerned about what others may say about them.

People who sit in this positions do, however, take things more casually than they should. Their imagination is quite vivid and they find themselves creating a world of their own. They live in their own worlds and wait for things to take care of themselves. A bit childish, they are one of the most friendly people one could have in their lives.

#2 Position B

People who sit in this position are usually the ones with ideas. They mostly keep to themselves as they do not trust a lot of people with their thoughts. The cross-legged position also means that it takes a lot for others to earn their trust and they do not give in to temptations easily.
These people, however, can be a treat to talk to. They are the best conversationalists and they can have genuinely deep talks with you without you even realizing. They are the ones who would try to understand you and would be the last people to judge. If you have someone like them in your life, never let them go, they are rare gems.

#3 Position C
People who sit like this are extremely confident and understand themselves quite well. They know their strengths and their weaknesses and they also know how to use them. They are extroverts and love being surrounded by their friends and families. They love the spotlight and they know they have what it takes to be in the limelight.
They are usually the life of any party and they are the ones who love initiating. They are also internally driven and find confidence in the work they do. They might seem a bit proud and arrogant at times, but underneath, they are one of the sweetest people one can come across.

#4 Position D
People who sit in this position are kind, gentle, honest, and brutally straightforward. They do not keep things in their hearts and what they think is what they speak. They can be considered the gentle souls of the world with neither malice nor ill-will in their hearts.
These are also the people who would be the first to come to your help if you just call them. They do not hesitate in helping and they are unconditional in their love. Their love, however, may be taken for granted by others and that is the one thing they face continuously. The fact that they still remain upbeat and loving despite their trust being betrayed, does say a lot about the strength they carry within.

#5 Position E
People who sit in this position are passionate by their very nature. They are driven, ambitious, and extremely well organized in their thoughts. They tend towards being perfectionists and are very particular about the small details. They may be patient but trying their patience is something others should avoid.
The slanted way in which they put their legs also shows that they are good at keeping secrets. They are good listeners and are very good at taking hints. They are highly capable of reading others but they do not reveal more than they wish to. It is their secretive and commanding personality that makes them so attractive and a mystery indeed.
Source: meaww.com

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