As social media has provided a platform for the users to express their views it has also led to trolling. Deepika Padukone left a good impression on fans with her red carpet appearances in Met Gala and Cannes Film Festival. Recently, she has done a photo shoot for a magazine Tings London. Her stylish look grabbed the attention of fans. But a photo posted by Deepika is not being much appreciated. The reason is not her looks but a ‘hat’.
The beauty queen of Bollywood Deepika Padukone was trolled badly for wearing an over-sized hat. Some liked her different look but many of them made fun of the hat. Some commented ‘new umbrella in the market’. Some also related her look with Bajirao-Mastani.
Deepika has not yet announced her next project. She represented India in the two international events this year having received Cannes Film Festival and Met Gala. There are also speculations about Deepika’s next project. There are chances of her working in another international project that’s why she has not signed any Bollywood movie. Fans are waiting to see her again on screen after ‘Padmavat’. The actress was also in news about her marriage with Ranveer Singh. But she has not yet given any statement on her upcoming projects and relationship with Ranveer Singh.
It seems like everyday actors are in news for getting trolled on social media. This time Deepika is the victim. Recently Akshay Kumar was trolled on social media for a tweet on a hike in fuel price. The actor had to delete his tweet as the trolls didn’t stop. Preity Zinta too was trolled and she even had to make a request not to spread any rumours about her. Many celebrities ignore such nasty comments by trolls and Deepika seems to be one among them.
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