From the past few days, Kapil has been facing few health problems. Recently Shahrukh Khan and Anushka Sharma had come on the sets of TKSS for the promotion of their upcoming film “Jab Herry Met Sejal.”
Everything was ready, the gags were in place, stars on the sets of TKSS. But the shoot was canceled at the last minute when Kapil suddenly fainted. He was rushed to the hospital.
A source close to Kapil said, “We don’t know what happened exactly, but Kapil fainted and was rushed to a hospital. And we were told it was due to stress.”
It is not the first time when the shoot was cancelled at the last minute. When Kartik Aryan and Kirti Kharbanda came on TKSS for the promotion of their upcoming film “Guest In London” then also the shoot had to be canceled at the last minute.
Several websites has started saying that Kapil is faking unconsciousness on TKSS to avoid shooting. However in a recent interview Kapil’s sister denied all these rumors.
She said, “These days, bhai has been suffering a lot of health issues and it’s sad to hear that people are tagging him as an unprofessional. He has always respected his work; he will never give an excuse to cancel his shoot,”
So, what has really happened to Kapil?
Kapil’s sister Pooja said “He has been under immense stress due to low TRPs of his show. Stress is raising the lucose levels in his body. And it is not just diabetes, his recently doubled stress is also the cause of low blood pressure.”
“He is frequently falling ill because he doesn’t eat properly at all. Also, doctors have advised him to take proper rest but he is not listening to them either. Stress is taking a major toll on his health. Nobody knows about that, but then, the reports of him fainting on the sets are also completely false,” Pooja added.
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