An American Woman Explains Why No Girl Wants To Chat With An Indian Guy -


August 31, 2017

An American Woman Explains Why No Girl Wants To Chat With An Indian Guy

indian men
India as a country is still trying its best to be on par with countries like America and Britain. But right now it seems to be a far-fetched goal. One of the most important resources in backing India’s development is the education system of the country.
But unfortunately, like all others, it is also in a poor state with thousands of people bereaved of any education. While some are totally deprived of gaining any kind of education due to their severe financial conditions, others turn out to be absolutely ignoble creatures even after attending reputed schools.
Talking about male perverts, not only school boys but every corner in India is rotten with such perverts. According to India finds a 4th place with the highest rape cases in the world. This is indeed a matter of shame for the country.
The case is quite apparent with the online conversations between Indian men and a foreigner women. It is indeed quite obvious considering the secret fantasy of Indian men regarding foreigner women.
It is a ubiquitous fact that Indian men lack the decency to approach women. While conversing with a woman, it can be noticed what kind of talk Indian men tend to get into while talking to a foreigner.
Their fascination takes an abhorrent turn only to enhance our country’s embarrassment at such perverts. To prove this point, a guy recently asked on Quora,“Why do Americans girls disconnect the chat immediately if I tell them that I’m an Indian? What is their perception about Indian guys?”
Although he received a lot of responses, one girl named, Melanie Smith, put the facts forward and replied with a long answer. This text is an eye opener to each one of us and a right call to all those Indian men who end up indulging in such conversations only to cause India more embarrassment.
It reads,”
Oh, man. I really want to avoid the truth here. You have a real answer coming. Are you sure you want it? It’s not comfortable for any of us. Please continue to remind yourself of one thing while reading; not everyone falls into the behavior I’m going to address below. The OP wants to know why ignoring happens. We don’t know his behavior, or how many times this has happened.
If any of you care to look at my social media pages you’ll notice it’s primarily Indian guys. All ages. All states. All religions. All educations. All jobs. I have very solid experience in how you behave when an American woman replies via social media (for the record, I know a lot of Indian guys in person, so rest assured I also know all the variables of your IRL personalities).
Let me give a sincere thank you to all the Indian men who have protected me, defended me and literally kicked the ass of guys harassing me. (I don’t condone this, but sometimes it’s all they understand)
Unlike western guys, Indian guys immediately ask very personal questions. I won’t use actual screen shots to protect the (not so) innocent. But here are some classic questions and comments from Indian guys;
What are you wearing?
Is your husband home?
Do you get along well with your husband?
Are you laying in bed?
When did you lose your virginity?
These are innocent enough questions. But, to most women if the guy is Indian, she stops there. Why? Because if she answers those questions, the next series goes like this;
Do you enjoy the sex?
Can I see a photo of your face with your hair loose?
I have one doubt… is masturbation bad for health?
Can I see one photo of you in jeans?
Rarely will an American woman not block you at this point. It’s very offensive to us to be asked these questions.
If we are still allowing messages, next comes;
Can I see your breast? Side view and front view. Cleavage is fine for first photo. (Keep in mind, no need to have responded to previous sexual type questions. You can change the subject with each reply and they still do this!)
I’ve never seen a clean (what’s Quora’s policy here? Do we say slang or medical term?) ? American girls are clean and I want to see.
It gets worse from there. Why do I put up with this offensive behavior? Because you are better than this. All of you. So am I. So is every American woman who you think is worthless enough to engage in casual sex with you. You’ll never realize your error if no one is willing to patiently teach you. I have blocked some, but 99.9% eventually get it. Overtime I see their English improve, their mind open and their intelligence about culture expand. It’s worth the effort. I see men who start to see me, a woman (white!) as a friend and a confidant. Not some bimbo to do wrong things with. That’s worth it!
I have been told, “why can’t you do the sex? You’re white. White women can have abortions.” Do I even need to explain how wrong this is?  I once asked a guy who was continually asking me to “say (bad word for female genitals) to me” why Indian women aren’t asked the same questions. I was told “because they are like pillar. Goddess. Most respect to them.” As if somehow I’m lesser. Wow. It takes every ounce of love I can muster up to help these naive guys realize the errors in their thinking. Yes, I called them naive. They are clueless about women and western culture.
Guys, they block you because your countrymen have made it known that they think a white girl in jeans and a tshirt will have “the sex” with anyone. They think you’re a racist pig. Yes, they judge you and it isn’t fair, is it? It sucks to be judged by a few cultural impressions of the worst behaved. It sucks to be on our end, the end that is treated like a worthless person, too.
I’ve heard, seen, and read things that would make Sunny Leone blush with embarrassment.
Guys, my girlfriends tell me to make sure my Indian friends can’t see them. As recently as last Saturday a friend told me Indian guys that know me keep trying to send her wrong messages.
Please stop. You’re better than this.

What do you think about Indian men being perverts? Share this article with your friends and family.

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