Hilarious! 8 Things Only Snapchat Addicts Will Understand - EntertainmentNews1.com


September 7, 2017

Hilarious! 8 Things Only Snapchat Addicts Will Understand

Snapchat is our favorite and we love to click random pictures of us and how our life is, to our friends. We use all the available features in snapchat on order to create wonderful selfies of ourselves. We do not need to apply an orange lipstick because there is always a way to do that without even picking a shade. Here are other tricks we are well aware of, because, we're not shy to admit that, we are Snapchat Addicts.  

We can face swap ourselves with our *good* picture and create another good looking picture without e

When we do too much or too less snapchat, we forget what funny thing the image originally had!

This is how you react when you receive a pretty long story!

You can try filters to know if you can try out *that* particular lipstick shade.

You try to be creative, but alas, you never even knew how to draw.

You identify the quality of your relationship, by checking how long the streak is.

Their are heart-breaking moments when you realize the person has not sent the snap *only* to you.

And, you stress and are unable to sleep because time is running out.

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