The CCTV footage which was irresponsibly handled by the Gurugram Police led the case into the wrong direction. Seven-year-old Pradyuman was killed inside the washroom of Ryan International School where he was brutally murdered 15 minutes after his father dropped him to school in the morning. The CCTV footage showed Bus conductor Ashok going in and coming out of the washroom when the incident happened. However, the police ignored the first 8 seconds of the footage where the now detained Class XI student was seen entering with Pradyuman.
Few images are doing rounds on the web which are likely to be a glimpse of the CCTV footage installed outside the washroom. Have a look:
The Gurugram Police has accepted that they mishandled the case. CBI is now investigating that whether the police planted the knife just to frame Ashok. Ashok Kumar was taken into custody as a suspect in the murder. The Gurugram Police had themselves declared him the murderer by ignoring the evidence, torturing him until he confessed the crime.
Ashok Kumar was also into the washroom when the murder happened. Kumar was at the urinals while the accused had taken the victim to a cubicle, which is why the conductor did not see them. A CBI source said, “CCTV footage shows Kumar left the toilet prior to the accused. We will question Kumar on this aspect.
The accused Class XI student in the Pradyuman Murder case has been sent to an observation house till November 22 as the CBI said he was not required for further questioning. The CBI has given an official statement that the student killed the seven-year0old boy to delay the exams and parent-teacher meet. The boy has been questioned several times and was also taken to the knife shop and school to recreate the crime scene.
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