And finally, here comes the biggest breakthrough in the case which has finally helped finding the culprit. As per a leading web portal has accessed the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) remand application. It has alleged that the Class 11 student has admitted of killing seven-year-old boy Pradyuman Thakur in Gurugram’s Ryan International School.
The CBI was given three-day remand of the accused for further questioning and it was submitted before a court yesterday (8th Nov).
The note said, “On the basis of minute inspection of crime, analysis of the CCTV footage and movements of the students near the scene of crime, and questioning of students, teachers and other staff of the school on 7.11.2017, the CBI has identified and apprehended juvenile in conflict with law at 2330 hours. He has admitted his involvement in committing the murder of Master Pradyuman Thakur on 08.09.2017 in ground floor boys washroom of Ryan International School, Gurugram in presence of his father, independent witnesses, welfare officer of the CBI.”
The investigation agency also wants the teenager to identify the shop from where he had bought the knife to kill Pradyuman.
Interrogation was needed to reconstruct the scene of the crime, to unearth conspiracy, if any, and to collect any other evidence related to the case, said the CBI.
A leading web portal stated to a senior CBI officer that the teenager lured Pradhyumn inside on the pretext of discussing something important, and within seconds, slit his throat.
The officer said, “Somebody was going to die that day. He came prepared that he was going to use the knife he was carrying on someone. Pradhyumn just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
While the CBI was questioning the teenager, he reportedly said, “I went blank and just did it.”
The accused has reportedly told CBI that Pradyuman was his random target. The officer said, “On September 08 morning, the accused juvenile was carrying the knife and waited in the gallery near the toilet for his prey.”
Ryan Pinto, the owner of the Ryan International School chain is yet to be questioned in the case.
Reference Source: Times Now
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