What? Celebs and News Channels Shared Delhi Mishap Video At Expressway Yesterday, Is Actually of 2016 - EntertainmentNews1.com


November 10, 2017

What? Celebs and News Channels Shared Delhi Mishap Video At Expressway Yesterday, Is Actually of 2016

What? Celebs and News Channels Shared Delhi Mishap Video At Expressway Yesterday,  Is Actually of 2016
For the commoners, air contamination is only a number, not an unmistakable reality. Until a WhatsApp video reveals to them generally. So, what’s the validity of data circled on WhatsApp and Twitter? Who’ll take the responsibility of the wrong information?
A horrendous video about the Delhi smog (smoke+fog) causing 18-cars heap up on the Yamuna Expressway has turned into a web sensation.
But what’s shocking is this video is from last year. Evidently, the video was a mishap that happened in December 2016 and brought about a few recordings taken by the spectators from various edges. The incident was everywhere throughout the news.
This all happened when a Youtube channel reshared this video tomorrow:
The reshared video got grabbed by a few Twitteratis, inevitably turning into a web sensation.
At the yamuna express way this morning. The threat is real. Pls drive safe & stay @home if possible  takes its pound of flesh. Drive slow pay attention, keep your eyes on the road, watch out for parked cars, move in groups, trail cars, keep it hazard lights on 
A few prominent celebs shared the video, without confirming the fact.
What’s happening in Delhi is dangerous in more ways than one can imagine...I’m filming here as I type this and I’m fearing things aren’t gonna really get any better...
There were few citizens who did not believe in it, rather they researched about it. A large number of them censured the sharing of the video, bringing up that it was an old one.
What’s more awful is that few news channels too hopped on the viral fleeting trend and shared the ‘news’, without checking it.
But wait, the smog thickens. There are news reports of an accident actually happening on the Expressway. But still, it is not the one that is being so rampantly propagated all over social media.
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Uttar Pradesh: Ten vehicles collide on Yamuna Expressway in Gautam Buddha Nagar's Dankaur due to thick fog, several people injured.
There are news reports of a mischance really occurring on the Expressway. Yet at the same time, it isn’t the one that is in effect so wildly proliferated all over online.

We just paste, we just scream because others screamed, we don’t see whether the news is correct or not. So, next time just before posting check the facts.

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