The CBFC has suggested the director Sanjay Leela Bhansali to chop off the title of the flick, Padmavati to Padmavat to avoid controversies. It has suggested few more changes in the disclaimer and all. As soon as this news came out, the micro-blogging platform Twitter went on a toss.
The twitter users have been poking fun of the same and expressed their views in the funniest way. Many industry people took to the platform to express their opinions regarding the same. Citing the latest development, Director Anubhav Sinha said, “So Bhansali can now actually throw a party. Just that Whisky will be called ‘Whiska’ Vodka will be called ‘Vodki’ and so on.”
He further made a series of tweets on the same. His another tweet read “There are no cuts recommended just some ‘Modi’fications. Okay?”
Apurva Asrani tweeted, “If ‘Padman’ picks up the ‘i’ that ‘Padmavat’ drops, they’ll have to call it ‘Padmani’. From the frying pan into the pyre.”
Twitter flooded with tweets over Padmavati Row
Comedian Sorabh Pant tweeted, “‘Padmavati’ already got released. They changed the character name, the plot and history. They called it, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ but Indians know…”
Sorabh Pant tweeted saying, “#Padmavati already got released.
They changed the character name, the plot and history. They called it, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” but, Indians know…
They changed the character name, the plot and history. They called it, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” but, Indians know…
He further tweeted in most witty way that “#Padmavati should take a cue from Bright. Release on Netflix. Or Amazon.
Or Hotstar. Or Voot.Or Vice.Or YouTube.Or FunnyOrDie.Or Yahoo.
Bypass the idiots.”
Or Hotstar. Or Voot.Or Vice.Or YouTube.Or FunnyOrDie.Or Yahoo.
Bypass the idiots.”
Actor Prakash Raj tweeted, “‘Padmavati’ to be ‘Padmavat’ plus 26 cuts.. says CBFC… Finally has someone achieved to chop something of ‘Padmavati’. An ‘I’ from the title.”
Prakash Raj in his tweet referred to the comment made by Karni Sena that they would chop off the nose of the lead actress of the Padmavati, Deepika Padukone if the movie hits the screens.
As per the reports, it is heard that 26 cuts were suggested by Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). However, CBFC chairman Prasoon Joshi clarified that they have only advised five modifications, including the title change, but “no cuts”.
The flick got stuck amongst controversies as the Rajput Karni Sena alleged that the film had some distorted scenes in it and would distort history. Many protests were made by the Sena to stop the film release, which was actually scheduled for December 1 release.
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