This Is The World’s Coldest Village. Temperature Is -62 Degree Celcius & You Can’t Miss Pics -

January 18, 2018


This Is The World’s Coldest Village. Temperature Is -62 Degree Celcius & You Can’t Miss Pics

Winter season has broken some biggest records this year! We do enjoy cold weather, but when it’s extreme, it becomes damn difficult to survive.

Few days back, we shared the pics of frozen Niagara Falls and it looked amazing. No doubt, snow adds a lot of beauty to the place, but for us, it becomes impossible to stay there for long. After Niagara falls, another place has made it to the news. It is none other than Oymyakon, a small village in Siberia.
Oymyakon has been titled as the coldest village in the world. The temperature there has broken new records; yes, it is -62 degree Celcius, can you imagine! It is indeed a very small town but the photos will surprise you to no end.
After hearing about the temperature there, we really wonder as to how people are surviving there. Some pictures have surfaced on social media and for a moment, you will feel as if it’s a fairy land.
A digital thermometer was installed there, but sadly, it broke after the temperature went so low. The village has a population of just 500 people and it’s impossible to stay there. Even eye-lashes of people freeze, making it things all the more worse.
During winters, the village is totally dark for 20 hours in a day. Talking about the food, people tend to rely mainly on frozen food like raw flesh, reindeer meat or frozen fish.

Let us take a look at some of the pictures;












These pictures are indeed beautiful but we are really not sure how people survive in such a cold temperature.
Image Source: Siberian Times

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