It’s been really hard for Jahnvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor after the sudden demise of their mother, Sridevi. And not only them, the whole nation mourned her death. But they are lucky that they have a loving family by their side even though their mother left all of a sudden.
Jahnvi and Khushi’s stepbrother Arjun Kapoor and stepsister Anshula Kapoor have been a constant support who stood by their side throughout their tough time. Recently, the dotting daughters of Sridevi had a family time with Anshula as they were spotted outside Arjun’s residence after having a family dinner together.
Both Jahnvi and Khushi were trying to avoid the paparazzi as they were constantly hooked to their cell phones. Siblings Arjun and Anshula Kapoor are the children of Boney Kapoor and his wife Mona while Jahnvi and Khushi are the daughters of Boney Kapoor and his second wife Sridevi.
Jahnvi celebrated her birthday just a few days after her mother’s death along with Sonam Kapoor and her other cousins which prove that the girls are getting quite a support from her extended family. While Anshula backlashed at few netizens who tried to troll her stepsisters, Jahnvi and Khushi.
Sridevi died in a tragic accident in Dubai where she went for her nephew Mohit Marwah’s wedding, due to ‘accidental drowning’ on February 24. Her dead body arrived three days after her death. Her funeral was attended by many celebrities which was held in Mumbai. Jahnvi is soon going to make her Bollywood debut from Karan Johar’s ‘Dhadak‘ opposite Ishaan Khattar.
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