Few Lesser Known Facts And Events Around The World – #7 Is Surprising - EntertainmentNews1.com


May 3, 2018

Few Lesser Known Facts And Events Around The World – #7 Is Surprising

There are many events occurring in many countries. Not all of them are unique and catch our eye. The world is left in crazy feels when we come across some facts. We might have noticed few of them in the news during the event, but this is the collection of all such moments to refresh your mind and make you feel wonderful.

1. Can A Country Run Without A Government?

Facts around world

The answer is yes, in BELGIUM. This happened in June 2010 when due to some political issues there was no party who got the majority to form a government the country. Finally, a government was formed in December; 2011. So there was no government for 589 days which has become a world record.

2. A Country Without Any Debts

Facts around the world

Out of the 192 countries in the world, there is no country which is self-sufficient with money. They borrow from other countries, the World Bank, IMF etc in various sources. But there is this country named BORNEO ISLAND in South East Asia, where it doesn’t have a penny as debt. This is very strange but true. The Island maintains its economy by trading Oil and gas resources but it doesn’t take any debts. To our surprise, the country announces subsidies on every service which really deserves whole a wholehearted applause.

3. Two Countries Having Same National Anthem

Facts and events around the world

Every country designs its own National Flag and National Anthem for creating an identity. National Anthems, when sung together by all the citizens, bring goosebumps and create a feeling of oneness among the public. But these two countries, GREECE and REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, share a common National Anthem. Here is the reason. The later country was under the Colonial (British) rule until 1966 and it was freed then after. There were social imbalances as the population is strictly divided as Ethnic Greeks and Ethnic Turks. During that period, the Ethnic Greeks who were in majority decided to choose the National Anthem “Hymn to freedom” or “Hymn to Liberty” as the joint Anthem for both the countries.

4. A Country Without An Official Capital

Facts around world

Any county in the world operates through its capital. All the important governing bodies work from here and that makes it an important place for the country. So it is often said that a capital represents its Nation. But here is one country named NAURU without an official capital city. A country which is placed near the Central Pacific on the world map, it has a parliament in one of its cities but it doesn’t select a city to be called its capital. This country also possesses another unique record which is that most of its population is obese or oversized. Around 95% of its population is obese.

5.  Can You Imagine A Country Without Armed Forces?

Facts around world
Yes, it is true. We can’t imagine a country without its armed forces. Since many centuries countries have evolved their Military and other Forces and they consider it as an important factor while allocating budgets. But COSTA RICA is a country of its kind. It has abolished its Armed Forces like Navy, Army, and Air Force since 1949. The country doesn’t allocate money for these forces in their budget Instead they have a strong and better police force. Their government spends the surplus funds mainly on education, health and policing. Their average spending on education is 6.9% of its budget (2016) which is way higher than the world’s average, which is 4.4%. Thus they have highly educated people with utmost discipline and civic responsibilities.

6. Legalization/Decriminalization Of Drugs

Facts around the world
There is no criminal charge if you use drugs in PORTUGAL. Yes, it has become a non-criminalised charge in the country since 2001. Portugal used to be a place for the high transmission of STDs during 1999. There was a huge mafia running behind the law, making the people become drug addicts. For the shock of the citizens and rest of the world, the government took a decision to make drugs a legal affair in the country. To our surprise, the rate of STDs has come down and now there are not many places left with drug consumption. The decision was bold, but the result is gold.

7. December 30 (Friday), 2011 Missing On A Country’s Calendar

Facts around world
The country is SAMAO. It changed its international date line in 2011 to make its trade easy with prime partners Australia and New Zealand. The country once changed this Time Line 119 years ago to become a friend of US. But later it decided that its friendship with the Tasmanian Islands helps for its cause of trade. For this trade to become more efficient it has to change its Time Zone. By doing that, it had to lose a day and directly turn their calendar from Thursday to Saturday.
There are 192 countries in the world and not every time we know about some interesting news or event. So this collection brings together some of the crazy events happened in the world in recent times and if we dig deep into the history we can find numerous facts and events taken place which we don’t know. These facts all together create some unknown interest and that makes us feel really excited and relieved. They also help us to get informed about the existence of many cultures and various kinds of people in the vast mankind.

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