Kolkata Metro Moral Policing Incident Takes Ugly Turn - EntertainmentNews1.com


May 3, 2018

Kolkata Metro Moral Policing Incident Takes Ugly Turn

Kolkata Metro became a topic of discussions recently when a passenger couple was harassed by the public for standing too close to each other.
As per ABP, the couple was dragged off the metro at the Dum Dum station and beaten by a mob of middle-aged to elderly people. They were even asked to find a pub or a room.
Reportedly, the boy was kicked, punched and pushed and when the girl tried to save him, she received a few blows as well.
There were protests by the locals outside the station later. Though a police complaint was not filed, the protestors demanded the arrest of the people who had beaten up the couple.
Post the incident, Kolkata Metro posted on their official Facebook account that they are trying to inquire about it. They also mentioned that no complaint has been filed by anyone but they are against the Moral Policing.
However, the Metro of Kolkata landed in problem when they posted a comment on the same thread which supported the crowd for beating the couple. It read as-
“What wrong has been done by the passengers. Nothing. It is the inevitable fallout of year-long vulgarity shown by a section of young generation. In Metro train, most of the young generation people do not know decency and good manner. To speak in English does not mean civilisation. Good qualities are totally lacking in young generation people and morality a distant dream. In their attitude, arrogance and ‘don’t’ care gesture are very evident. Not only in the Metro, but also in other places similar incident will happen if the young generation does not get themselves rectified.”
The comment was deleted later but the followers of the post had taken the screenshots which they started posting.



It was also being said that the comment might have been posted mistakenly while one of the social media team member of Kolkata Metro tried to post it individually. The social media manager might be posting the comment individually and while doing so he must not have swapped the account.
But it was not the end. The matter took another turn when Kolkata Metro put a clarification on Facebook saying that the alleged snapshot of the comment by them is fake. Reiterating the fact they said-
Dear commuters, there is a fake post circulating in the social media claiming that Metro Railway supports the passengers who allegedly thrashed the couple. The fact is that Metro Railway, Kolkata, strongly condemns the unfortunate incident and is against moral policing.
We’re not sure whether that screenshot circulated was fake or Kolkata Metro actually posted it and deleted it later. What do you think what exactly happened here? Who is to be blamed?

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