Priyanka Apologized & Said “I Am A Proud Indian”. Twitter Slammed Her Like Never Before -

June 11, 2018


Priyanka Apologized & Said “I Am A Proud Indian”. Twitter Slammed Her Like Never Before

Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons for some days now. Recently, her show Quantico showed Indian nationalists planning an act of violence in Manhattan so that they could put the blame on Pakistan for this.
This portrayal of Indians in a poor light was quite objectionable and Twitterati tore apart the show and the actress and made up mind of boycotting both.
After much uproar on social media, Priyanka took to the micro-blogging site Twitter to express her sense of apology and said that she was never intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments, adding that she is a proud Indian.
Here’s what she wrote,
“I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I’m a proud Indian and that will never change.”
Check out her tweet:
I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
People don’t seem to be in the mood to accept Priyanka’s apology and this is how Twitterati slammed her for the tweet:


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
The same girl who won miss world title for India didn't even feel bad when she was asked to be a part of anti Indian episode of ? How is this possible ? Only money and fame can ruin people this badly 1f44e1f44e


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
But we are not proud of you...and this will never change


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
U will never be a proud Indian. U r just a businessman who can do anything for her business. We dont need your words.


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
After this episode ,she got lots of love from Pakistan, so many Pakistani came defending her ,now she should shift to pak to show them further compassion


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
तुम लोग हाई फाई काल गर्ल हो, पैसे के लिए बिकने वाली, मै तुम्हारा प्रशंसक था, लेकिन अब प्रियंका नाम से ही घृणा होने लगी है.


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
So, u r sayin' that u didn't know the script before acting in it coz if u were 'Proud Indian' then u wouldn't have agreed to act in the first place.


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
It's a very easy thing to say sorry and shrug off the responsibility.
Another day you would be back to demeaning, demonizing India and start projecting how likes of Pakistan are innocent and boon on Humanity.


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
Heap the gutter trash kind of insult ,
for a few dollars more, on the country,

which made you star & issue a good for nothing apology,

Dirt cheap patriotism from @priyankachopra


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
You read the episode, rehearsed it and then shot for it for many days. How can this be a mistake. This apology is as bad as your show


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
U left akshay kumar for Amrish puri's money and your Hindu values for some dollars.


This is a non-apology. It’s not a question of “sentiments...hurt.”
You blatantly lied about peaceful Indians, Hindus, and Indian-Americans. You are viciously attacking Indian-American Hindus, who are peaceful, successful people. Why did you do that? Have you no shame?!
This is a ridiculous tweet. You’re not even apologizing. You make it sound like Indians are hurt, which is not the issue. The issue is you have denigrated peaceful Indians, especially Indian-American Hindus, who have NEVER had 1 single terror case. You lied.


I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I'm a proud Indian and that will never change.
ना ही तुम दुखी हो ना क्षमाशील/शर्मिंदा और ना एक गौवान्वित भारतीय. तुम सिर्फ़ एक मौक़ापरस्त इंसान हो. तुम्हारा दिखावा तुम्हारी ग़लती को बदल नहीं सकता.
If that was not your intention then what was your intention...???
Its nothing more than . 
Before Priyanka, ABC Studios’ producers also issued an apology on Saturday, regretting to step into “a complex political issue”, adding that their intention was not to hurt or offend anyone.
The statement read:
“ABC Studios and the executive producers of ‘Quantico’ would like to extend an apology to our audience who were offended by the most recent episode, ‘The Blood of Romeo’. The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it. She has no involvement in the casting of the show or the storylines depicted in the series.”
Here’s what they said about the show which according to them is a work of fiction,
“The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds but in this case, we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone.”
What do you have to say in this regard and Priyanka’s apology? Let us know your views.

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