1 She Was Harassed By Her Lecturer In Front Of The Whole Class But Nobody Reacted - EntertainmentNews1.com

September 1, 2017


1 She Was Harassed By Her Lecturer In Front Of The Whole Class But Nobody Reacted


She Was Harassed By Her Lecturer In Front Of The Whole Class But Nobody Reacted

Women harassment is a very sensitive topic in our society. It comes in many forms rape, mental abuse, physical abuse, spousal abuse etc. which are often reported. But apart from this women also have to deal with harassment on a day-to-day basis which may not be as heinous as a rape but are really disturbing. Many people choose not to stand up to such minor forms of harassment which encourages the harassers to go on. But some brave souls do take a stand no matter what the consequences may be.
In this video, Funk You, did a social experiment on a class of students in which the actor disguised as a teacher tries to physically harass a student(also an actor) and recorded the whole incident to see if anybody is brave enough to raise their voice against such injustice.

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